SAT C SSAS Integration

Track your vessel without Installing New Hardware

Do you have Inmarsat-C or Mini-C SSAS equipment installed on board some of the ships in your fleet ?

Chances are you are struggling with some of the problems our customers were:  several systems to monitor and confusion during testing. GPS coordinates comes in Alert OR Test Report instead of Graphic Map of the vessel, By integrating your existing Inmarsat-C and Mini-C SSAS equipment with Falcon Mega Track you can consolidate fleet-wide SSAS management and testing procedures into a single system to streamline and simplify your operations.

After Integration with Falcon Mega Track, you can add and maintain unlimited Email & SMS, Poll vessel current position report, See Previous Position reports on a Map all within an easy-to-use, mobile compatible, web-based application. With all of these advance tools at your fingertips, you can take control of SSAS management and reduce OPEX by minimizing the need to send technicians on board.

Sat-C-SSAS 400X400

SAT C SSAS Integration 1    SAT C SSAS Integration 2    SAT C SSAS Integration 3

Key Features

  1. No additional hardware is required; quick integration to Falcon Mega Track
  2. Once programmed, no technician is required to add or change alert message notification settings
  3. Secure Access credentials to the Log-In Vessel Tracking Platform;
  4. Graphical Position reports of a Vessel and Fleet overview on a single map, regardless of hardware make
  5. Unlimited alert / test recipients
  6. Speed, average speed and distance moved from the last position and current position
  7. Proximity (city located in or most nearest one)
  8. Weather forecasting and astronomical calculations e.g. Sun Rise/Set
  9. Five (5) nearest sea ports along with distance and bearing from vessel location
  10. Add and edit alert / test recipients instantly
  11. Poll or change reporting rate at the click of a button
  12. Fleet Location Report & Voyage Reports online, Exportable to Excel
  13. Track history for voyage analysis (2 Years)
  14. 24/7 customer support


 Save Money on Technicians

Instead of needing a technician to go onboard each time you need to edit a message recipient’s email address, with Falcon Mega Track everthing is managed via the application


 Easy to set up

One-time configuration of the Inmarsat-C or Mini-C SSAS to send messages to Falcon Mega Track, After that, you can add unlimited test and alert recipients via the application.


Access anywhere, anytime

Falcon Mega Track is web-based and mobile compatible, you can manage alerts and tests from your office, home or mobile – giving you confidence that, no matter where you are, you are ready to respond immediately in the event of an incident to keep your crew and vessel safe.


 Hardware Compatibility

We are continually adding support for new hardware so please contact us for full details.

  1. Furuno Felcom 15 (Inmarsat C)
  2. Furuno Felcom 16 (Inmarsat C)
  3. Furuno Felcom 18 (Inmarsat C)
  4. Furuno Felcom 19 (Inmarsat C)
  5. JRC JUE 75C (Inmarsat C)
  6. JRC JUE 85 (Inmarsat C)
  7. JRC JUE 87 (Inmarsat C)
  8. JRC JUE 95 (Inmarsat C)
  9. Cobham Sailor TT 3000E (Inmarsat C)
  10. Cobham Sailor TT 3000 SSA (Mini C)
  11. Cobham Sailor 6000 Series (Inmarsat C)
  12. Cobham  Sailor 6120 (Mini C)