Echo Sounders
Boats & Deep Sea
We are Service Partners, Distributors and Dealers of the brands we offer. Genuineness of the products is Guaranteed.

Navigational Echo Sounders

Samyung SES-5000
Navigational Echo Sounder
This echo sounder is designed to provide reliable and accurate depth measurements.
GPS / Chart Plotter / Echo Sounders (Combo 3 in 1)

Samyung NF560
GPS Plotter and Fishfinder
Samyung NF560 GPS Plotter and Fishfinder is a fully waterproof device, with Internal memory (128 MB).

Samyung NF430
Color GPS Chart Plotter Fishfinder
Samyung NF430 Color GPS Chart Plotter Fishfinder is a fully waterproof device, with Internal memory (128 MB).

Samyung NF 700
Color GPS Chart Plotter Fishfinder
Samyung NF 700 Color GPS Chart Plotter Fishfinder is a precision-crafted GPS chart Plotter with high-performance receiver.